Stephen Anderson
Lifecycles Phase 3, some day it will get better
Lifecycles Phase 3, sunset sunrise
Lifecycles Phase 3, breath in breath out
Lifecycles Phase 3, breeding future consumers
Lifecycles Phase 3, dream reality
Lifecycles Phase 3, exploit exploited
Lifecycles Phase 3, killing people for killing people
Lifecycles Phase 3, no time like the present
Lifecycles Phase 3, pride greed lust gluttony warmth sloth
Lifecycles Phase 3, orbiting around the sun
Lifecycles Phase 3, profiting from others' misery
Lifecycles Phase 3, the future
Lifecycles Phase 3, type copy paste undo delete save
Lifecycles Phase 3, told what to do
Lifecycles Phase 3, we are all getting older
Lifecycles Phase 3, what is an hour of your time worth
Lifecycles Phase 3, why are we here are we alone in the universe
LifeCycles Phase 3, Work obey conform die
Dan Levin
Lonely Heart of Gold
Lonely Hearts (Tangled)