Moye Thompson
Missing Barack
Aaron Kramer
Money Ball 2
Money Ball 3
Money Ball 4
Alessandra Pierelli
Mr. Gingerbread Man
Susan Lizotte
New World I
New World II
New World IV
New World X
Alden Marin
Not The Shadows Of A Man II
Stuart Rapeport
Nude Paintbrush (2022 edition)
Jean-Guerly Petion
opal landscape composition # 1
opal landscape composition # 1a
Linda Smith
Orange Cat 1
Orange Forehead Cat
Over the Horizon
Persist / Resist
Polka Cup 1
Polka Cup 2
Polka Cup 3
Ralph Allen Massey
Popcorn on the Tracks Offset #1
Trevor Coopersmith
Alejandro Flores
Red, from the Species series
Vera Arutyunyan